Some purchases might be grouped into a single charge, so if you don't recognize a charge, check your purchase history. You can also look for the receipts in the email account associated with your Apple ID.

 If you’re in Europe, purchases might not be grouped, depending on your country or region.

 See your purchase history on your iPhone, or iPad:

  1. Check out the email to find the purchase invoices from Apple or Open the ‘Settings' app. 
  2. Tap your name > ‘iTunes & App Store’.
  3. Tap your ‘Apple ID’ > ‘View Apple ID’. You might be asked to sign in, scroll to ‘Purchase History’, and tap it.
  4. Your purchases are sorted by the payment date. You can see the ‘Pending section at the top. All the purchases in this section weren’t processed yet.

• Learn what to do if you don’t see the item you’re looking for or if you see unexpected charges.