1. Connect using Instagram:

Open the Instagram app → Tap ‹Edit Profile› → Under the Public Business Information section, tap ‹Page› (you will be asked to log in with your Facebook account if you haven’t done it before) → Choose ‹Connect existing Page›, or choose ‹Create Facebook Page› → Done.

2. Connect using Facebook WEB:

    • On MOBILE. Go to Facebook app → Log in with your Facebook account → Tap the ‹Menu› tab → At the top of the screen in front of the profile name, tap the expand icon → Choose a profile to switch → Tap the ‹Menu› tab → Expand the ‹Settings & Privacy› section → Settings → Linked Accounts → Instagram → Connect Account → Continue → Enter your Instagram username/password and click ‹Log In›.
    • Desktop WEB. Go to facebook.com → Log in with your Facebook account → Tap ‹Pages› from the left menu → Choose Facebook Page → Click ‹Settings› on the left menu → Connected accounts → Click‹Instagram› → Click ‹Connect Account› → Choose to allow Instagram messages in your Facebook inbox and click‹Continue› → Enter your Instagram username and password and click ‹Log In› (Note: If your Instagram account is a Personal account, then convert it to a Business account) → Choose to save your login information in your browser by clicking ‹Save Info› or ‹Not Now›
    • Now your Instagram Business Profile is connected to your Facebook Page, and you can connect it to Content Office
    • If your Instagram Business account is linked to the wrong Facebook Page, read the article: How to change a connected Facebook Page to an Instagram account